April 2016

North America News

Le 1er avril 2016, l'Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) a publié un avis, Notice of Emergency Action To Amend Section 25603.3 Title 27, California Code of Regulations Warnings for Exposures to Bisphenol A from Canned or Bottled Foods and Beverages, afin de proposer l'utilisation temporaire d'un message d'avertissement standard sur le lieu de vente concernant le bisphénol A (BPA) pour les aliments et les boissons en conserve et en bouteille. Le message d'avertissement proposé vise à éviter les messages d'avertissement incohérents, à réduire le risque de confusion chez les consommateurs et à protéger ces derniers de la toxicité du BPA pour la reproduction. Le BPA a été ajouté à la liste de la Proposition 65 le 11 mai 2015 et l'obligation d'avertissement entre en vigueur un an plus tard(voir Récapitulatif de la réglementation : numéro 2, mai 2015). Parallèlement, dans le cadre d'un processus réglementaire distinct, l'OEHHA propose un niveau de dose maximale admissible (MADL) pour l'exposition cutanée au BPA, mais pas pour l'exposition orale au BPA dans les aliments et les boissons. Par conséquent, le MADL ne couvre pas le revêtement en résine époxy utilisé dans les boîtes de conserve à base de métal. Les produits dotés d'un revêtement en résine époxy peuvent entraîner une exposition au BPA et nécessiter un avertissement.

Une fois que l'obligation d'étiquetage d'avertissement entrera en vigueur, les détaillants pourront apposer des avertissements sur tous les produits alimentaires et les boissons susceptibles de contenir du BPA, tandis que d'autres pourront le faire de manière sélective et incohérente. En effet, les aliments en conserve et en bouteille ont généralement une durée de conservation allant jusqu'à trois ans et la réglementation actuelle sur les avertissements de la Proposition 65 s'applique aux produits fabriqués après mai 2015. Avec une période de transition d'un an, il reste encore un volume important de produits fabriqués ou produits avant mai 2015 dans les rayons sans avertissement.

Actuellement, la réglementation n'exige pas que l'avertissement de la Proposition 65 nomme le produit chimique ou l'effet sur la santé qui lui est associé. Certaines entreprises peuvent choisir de nommer le BPA dans leur message d'avertissement et de fournir des informations supplémentaires sur le BPA, tandis que d'autres peuvent se contenter de dire que "le produit alimentaire ou la boisson contient un produit chimique connu de l'État de Californie pour provoquer des malformations congénitales ou d'autres effets néfastes sur la reproduction". Des messages aussi généraux peuvent semer la confusion parmi les consommateurs et ne servent pas l'intérêt du public.

À la lumière de ces préoccupations, l'utilisation temporaire d'un message d'avertissement standard et uniforme sur le lieu de vente pour le BPA permettrait de résoudre les problèmes et d'éviter la confusion du public résultant de messages d'avertissement incohérents.

On January 27, 2016, Assembly Bill 1821, 2014 was re-introduced as Assembly Bill 1437, 2016 to propose an act related to bisphenol A (BPA). The bill would prohibit the sale and distribution of food and beverage packaging and containers made with BPA as well as food and beverage storage containers made with BPA. The re-introduced bill is identical to the previous bill. Once the bill is passed and signed into law, this act will be effective immediately.

A storage container here means any refillable or reusable plastic container which may be used for reheating or storage of food and beverage, for examples:

  1. Thermoses

  2. Baby bottles

  3. Coolers

  4. Resealable containers

On February 24, 2016, the Public Safety and Security Committee introduced House Bill No. 5404 "An Act Concerning Toxic Flame Retardant Chemicals in Children's Products and Furniture". The proposed act would prohibit children's products and upholstered residential furniture from containing certain flame retardant chemicals. The implementation of prohibition is divided into 2 phases with the same flame retardants being prohibited:

Flame Retardants

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number

Tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP / TDCP)


Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP)


Tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP)


Decabromodiphenyl ether




  1. Starting from July 1, 2019, manufacturers, wholesalers or distributors shall not manufacture, sell or distribute children's product or upholstered residential furniture containing 1000 ppm of the above flame retardants in any product component.

  2. Starting from July 1, 2020, retailers shall not sell children's product or upholstered residential furniture containing 1000 ppm of the above flame retardants in any product component.

On March 17, 2016, bill B21-0143 was signed and enacted with act number A21-0336, "Carcinogenic Flame Retardant Prohibition Amendment Act of 2016". This act amends Human and Environmental Health Protection Act of 2010 to prohibit the manufacture, sale and distribution of any product containing certain chlorinated flame retardants. According to the amended act, the implementation of prohibition is divided into 2 phases with the same flame retardants being prohibited:

Flame Retardants

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number

Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate (TDCPP)


Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP)


  1. Starting from January 1, 2018, no person can manufacture, sell or distribute any children's product or residential upholstered furniture containing more than 0.1% (1000 ppm) of the above flame retardants.

  2. Starting from January 1, 2019, no person can manufacture, sell or distribute any product containing 0.1% (1000 ppm) of the above flame retardants.

The Mayor may request the manufacturer to provide a certificate demonstrating compliance with the act in 45 days. Otherwise, the manufacturer shall notify persons or entities, who sell and distribute the product, that the product does not comply with the act and submit a list of the names and addresses of those notified.

On March 10, 2016, the Washington House Bill, HB 2545 to amend the Children's Safe Product Act (CSPA) Chapter 70.240 RCW was approved by the president of the Washington State Senate. The amendment adds restrictions on flame retardant chemicals in children's products and residential upholstered furniture. Also, the Department of Ecology (DoE) will consider to include other unrestricted flame retardants as Chemicals of High Concern to Children (CHCC). Once the bill is signed into law, manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers shall not manufacture, sell or distribute children's products and upholstered furniture containing flame retardants starting from July 1, 2017. The restricted concentration is 1000 ppm in any product component and the restricted flame retardants include:

Flame Retardants

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number

Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate (TDCPP)


Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP)


Decabromodiphenyl ether


Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)


Tetrabromobisphenol A (Additive TBBPA)


A manufacturer of products that are restricted (containing listed flame retardants at greater than 1000 ppm) must notify persons who sell the manufacturer's products before April 2, 2017.

Apart from restriction of the above 5 flame retardants, a new section was added to CSPA addressing that the DoE shall consider whether the following flame retardants meet the criteria of being a CHCC:

Flame Retardants

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number

Isopropylated triphenyl phosphate (IPTPP)


(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (TBB)


(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH)


(1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP)


Triphenyl phosphate (TPP)


bis(chloromethyl) propane-1,3-diyltetrakis (2-chloroethyl) bisphosphate (V6)


If any of the above flame retardants is identified as a CHCC, the Department of Health shall create an advisory committee. The committee will determine the necessity to restrict and prohibit the flame retardants identified from being used in children's products and residential upholstered furniture.

South America News

On March 7, 2016, the President of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) approved Administrative Rule No. 99 to restrict toys including "AquaDots" and "Bindeez" that containing 1, 4-butanediol. The draft of this administrative rule was proposed on December 17, 2015 (See Regulatory Recap: February 2016). The approved rule is identical to the draft. Beginning March 7, 2016, all toys including or similar to "AquaDots" and "Bindeez" containing 1,4-butanediol are prohibited. Manufacturers and suppliers of such toys shall immediately withdraw them from the market.

Europe News

On March 9, 2016, European Commission (EC) approved the Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Personal Protective Equipment. This new regulation will repeal the Council Directive 89/686/EEC on April 21, 2018 and enter into force on the same date. The regulation adopts and simplifies certain essential safety requirements from Directive 89/686/EEC and lays down requirements for the design and manufacture of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Manufacturers, distributors and importers of PPE are impacted by this new regulation. Some PPE products that are excluded from the previous Directive are now incorporated into the new PPE Regulation in order to ensure a high level of protection to the user. The newly added products are as follows:

  1. PPE that is designed for private use against heat, such as gloves

  2. PPE for self-defense in sport activities

The new regulation divides PPE's into 3 risk categories and it is the responsibility of manufacturer to carry out a risk assessment in order to identify the risks for the PPE:

  1. Category I: Minimal risks, such as

    • Superficial mechanical injury

    • Contact with cleaning materials of weak action or prolonged contact with water

  2. Category II: Risks other than those listed in Categories I and III

  3. Category III: Risks that cause very serious consequences, such as

    • Falling from a height

    • Substances and mixtures which are hazardous to health

The compliance requirements for the 3 categories are summarized in the below table:

Compliance requirements

Category I

Category II

Category III

Design principles




Innocuousness of PPE




Comfort and effectiveness




Manufacturer's instructions and information




Additional requirements common to several types of PPE

Requirements depend on the components, properties and functions of the PPE

Additional requirements specific to particular risks

Evaluation per:

Internal production control (Module A)


European Union (EU) type-examination conducted by notified body (Module B)



Conformity to type based on internal production control (Module C)


Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals (Module C2)


(Either module C2 or D)

Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process (Module D)

Technical documentation




EU Declaration of Conformity




CE Marking




(CE marking followed by the identification number of the notified body involved in module C2 or D)

Apart from the manufacturers' responsibilities, importers and distributors shall ensure that their PPE is compliant with this regulation, bears the CE marking and is accompanied with required documentation.

On March 30, 2016, European Commission (EC) approved Regulation (EU) 2016/460 to amend annex IV and V of Regulation (EC) No. 850/2004 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The amendment will become effective on September 30, 2016.

The highlights of the amendments is listed below:

1. In Annex IV which lists substances that are subject to waste management provisions, one new entry is added:



EC No.

Concentration limit


25637-99-4 3194-55-6 134237-50-6 134237-51-7 134237-52-8

247-148-4 221-695-9

1000 mg/kg

2. Part 2 of Annex V, Wastes and Operations, is amended as follows:

Wastes as classified in Commission Decision 2000/532/EC


Before Amendment

After Amendment


All words "Hazardous" are changed into "Dangerous"

17 05 03

Soil and stones containing hazardous substances

Inorganic fraction of soil and stones containing dangerous substances

17 09 03

Other construction and demolition wastes (including mixed wastes) containing hazardous substances

Other construction and demolition wastes containing dangerous substances

Maximum concentration limits of substances are also added:


Maximum Concentration Limit (mg/kg)

Alkanes C10-C13, chloro (short-chain chlorinated paraffins) (SCCPs)








DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane)


















Hexachlorocyclohexanes, including lindane






Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS) (C8F17SO2X) (X = OH, Metal salt (O-M+), halide, amide, and other derivatives including polymers)


Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans


Polychlorinated naphthalenes


Sum of the concentrations of tetrabromodiphenyl ether C12H6Br4O), pentabromodiphenyl ether (C12H5Br5O), hexabromodiphenyl ether (C12H4Br6O)and heptabromodiphenyl ether (C12H3Br7O)




On March 14, 2016, the European Union (EU) published a draft directive regarding the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in varnishes and coatings intended to come into contact with food. The scope of the BPA prohibition in food contact materials or articles is proposed to expand by establishing a migration limit regarding varnish or coating materials that come into contact with food. The Specific Migration Limit (SML) of BPA is proposed to be lowered in Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 on Plastic Materials and Articles intended to Come into Contact with Food.

BPA has widely been used in epoxy resins for varnishes and coatings on food cans. Food is possibly exposed to BPA and therefore EU proposes to establish a SML for BPA in varnishes and coatings to ensure a high level of protection to humans. In light of this, a SML of 0.05mg/kg has been proposed. Also, business operators shall ensure that a written declaration of compliance is available for the varnished or coated materials and articles.

While the SML of BPA under Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 is proposed to be revised from 0.6 mg/kg to 0.05 mg/kg. The BPA requirement for polycarbonate infant feeding bottles will remain unchanged.

On June 13, 2016, the Directive 2014/53/EU Radio Equipment (RE Directive) will enter into force. European marketed radio products that currently comply with the Directive 1999/5/EC Radio & Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (R & TTE Directive) will now have to comply with the new RE Directive. The R & TTE Directive will be repealed on the same date.

The RE Directive is similar to the R & TTE Directive with a change in the scope. The scopes of both Directives are summarized below for comparison:

RE Directive

R & TTE Directive


Radio Equipment means an electronic or electrical product which emits or receives radio waves for radio communication or radiodetermination. It must be completed with an accessory, such as antenna

Radio Equipment means a product or relevant component thereof, capable of communication by means of emission or reception of radio waves

Including broadcast TV and radio receivers

Excluding broadcast TV and radio receivers

Radio Waves

3000GHz or lower (including 9kHz or lower)

From 9 kHz to 3000 GHz

There are 3 essential requirements in the RE Directive,

  1. Radio equipment shall comply with following Directives:

    1. Directive 2014/30/EU: Harmonization of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility

    2. Directive 2014/35/EU: Harmonization of the Laws of the Member States Relating to the Making Available on the Market of Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits

  2. Radio equipment shall be used effectively and it shall supports the efficient use of radio spectrum in order not to produce harmful interference

  3. It shall also meet the other essential requirements in RE Directive

Manufacturers shall perform a conformity assessment and it can be carried out by any one of the following procedures:


Requirement 1

Requirement 2

Requirement 3

Internal production control (Module A)


X (only for manufacturer who have applied harmonized standards)

European Union (EU) type examination conducted by notified body (Module B) followed by Conformity of type based on internal production control (Module C)




Conformity based on full quality assurance (Module H) (Assessed by notified body)




On February 29, 2016, the European Union (EU) member states proposed to identify four new chemicals as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) under the REACH Regulation with carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic to reproduction, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, and very persistent and very bioaccumulative properties. The public consultation ended on April 14, 2016.

The four chemicals proposed are:

  1. (±)-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4-methylphenyl)methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-one (4-methylbenzylidene camphor) (EC No. 253-242-6) (CAS No. 36861-47-9);

  2. 1,7,7-trimethyl-3-(phenylmethylene)bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one (3-benzylidene camphor) (EC No. 239-139-9) (CAS No. 15087-24-8);

  3. Benzo[def]chrysene (Benzo[a]pyrene) (EC No. 200-028-5) (CAS No. 50-32-8);

  4. Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) (EC No. 201-545-9) (CAS No. 84-61-7)

On January 1, 2016, the General Directorate for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) implemented a new Methodological Document, DM/4B/COM/001, for food contact materials which are made from metals or alloys. Mandated requirements have been established and summarized in 9 categories of metals and alloys.

In the document, composition, purity and Specific Migration Limits (SML) requirements for certain elements or chemical species have been listed in detail. Different types of metals and alloys will have specific requirements:

  1. Stainless steel

  2. Aluminium and aluminium alloys

  3. Steel for Packaging

  4. Uncoated steel including packaging

  5. Steel and Stainless steel excluding packaging

  6. Unalloyed iron

  7. Tin and Tin alloy

  8. Zinc and Zinc alloy

  9. Various metal coated objects

It should be noted that these requirements are not applicable to:

  1. Enamel materials

  2. Inorganic coated materials

  3. Organic mineral coated materials, such as sol-gels coating

The definitions for different alloys and testing conditions, such as simulants, temperatures and durations, are also included in the document.

Asia News

On October 27, 2015, China proposed a draft GB National Standard: Sunglasses and Sunglare Filters - Part 1: General Requirements. The technical requirements in the standard are modified from ISO 12312-1: 2013, Eye and Face Protection - Sunglasses and Related Eyewear - Part 1: Sunglasses for General Use.

Compared with ISO 12312-1: 2013, the major technical differences with the GB standard are:

  1. Cancelled ISO12312-1: 2013 clause 6.2 Local Variations in Refractive Power

  2. Modified ISO 12312-1: 2013 clause 7 Robustness

  3. Added solar spectral transmittance requirements for wavelength lower than the cutoff

  4. Added transmittance requirements for prescribed correction sunglasses and sunglare filters

  5. Added coating layer adhesion requirements

Following requirements are mandatory while the others (not stated here) are optional:

  • Clause 6.1 Transmittance

  • Clause 6.2 Optical Properties

  • Clause 6.3 Endurance of sunglasses

  • Clause 6.4 Frame deformation and retention of filters

  • Clause 6.5 Resistance to solar radiation

  • Clause 6.6 Resistance to ignition

  • Clause 6.7 Coating layer properties

  • Clause 6.8 Size of sunglasses

  • Clause 7.1 Labeling requirements

On February 4, 2016, Japan proposed to add a new item in the Japan Food Sanitation Law (JFSL) regarding utensils, containers and packaging made of synthetic resin, PolyEthylene Naphthalate (PEN).

According to the proposed document, PEN materials shall not be used or marketed as a utensils, containers and packaging for food unless they meet following requirements:

  1. Specific Migration Limit (SML) of Germanium (Ge) less than 0.1 mg/L (using 4% acetic acid as a stimulant)

  2. Evaporation residue less than 30 mg/L

On December 4, 2014, The Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 367, Labeling of Prepackaged Foods, entered into force. The notification gave a 2-year transition period to all manufacturers or importers of food. On or before December 4, 2016, manufacturers or importers of food must comply with the new labeling contents and requirements stated in this notification for prepackaged foods, which are defined as foods packed in containers for sale.

In general, the food labeling shall be in Thai and the following information shall be presented (specific requirements on each item shall be referred to in the notification):

  1. Name of food

  2. Food serial number

  3. Name and address of manufacturers, packers or importers

  4. Contents of food

  5. Percentage by weight of main ingredients

  6. Information regarding food allergy or hypersensitivity

  7. Declaration of functional class of food additives according to International Numbering System (INS) for Food Additives

  8. Declaration of addition of food additives

  9. Shelf life

  10. Any warning statement, instruction for storage, cooking and use

Apart from labeling, the following older notifications concerning prepackaged food labeling are repealed:

  1. The Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 194 Labels

  2. The Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 252 Labels

  3. The Notification of Ministry of Public Health No. 343 Labels

Australia/New Zealand News

Le 19 mars 2016, une interdiction provisoire de 60 jours est entrée en vigueur pour la fourniture de hoverboards, également connus sous le nom de trottinettes auto-équilibrées, qui ne répondent pas à des exigences de sécurité spécifiques. Cette interdiction concerne tous ceux qui fournissent des hoverboards, y compris les fabricants, les importateurs, les distributeurs et les détaillants.

Les normes et exigences de sécurité spécifiques aux hoverboards sont énumérées ci-dessous :


Option UL

Option CEI ou option AS/NZS


UL 2272 Schéma d'enquête pour les systèmes électriques des scooters auto-équilibrés

(Section 16) - La conformité à cette section implique la conformité totale à la norme UL 2580 relative aux batteries utilisées dans les véhicules électriques.

IEC 62133 Edition 2.0 2012-12

Piles secondaires et batteries contenant des électrolytes alcalins ou d'autres électrolytes non acides - Prescriptions de sécurité pour les piles secondaires scellées portables et pour les batteries fabriquées à partir de ces piles, destinées à être utilisées dans des applications portables

Système de contrôle de la batterie

UL 2272 Schéma d'enquête pour les systèmes électriques des scooters auto-équilibrés

(Section 11, 15.1 - 15.5, 23, 24, 26 & 27)

IEC 60335-1 Edition 5.1 2013-12

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Partie 1 : Exigences générales - Section 11 - Chauffage (telle que modifiée par l'annexe B Appareils alimentés par des batteries rechargeables) - Section 19 - Fonctionnement anormal (telle que modifiée par l'annexe B Appareils alimentés par des batteries rechargeables) ou

AS/NZS 60335.1:2011

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Prescriptions générales (IEC 60335-1 Ed 5, MOD) - Section 11 - Chauffage (modifiée par l'annexe B Appareils alimentés par des batteries rechargeables) - Section 19 - Fonctionnement anormal (modifiée par l'annexe B Appareils alimentés par des batteries rechargeables)

Le 18 avril 2016, le nouveau règlement 2016 sur les normes de sécurité des produits (vêtements de nuit pour enfants et vêtements de jour limités présentant un risque d'incendie réduit) entre en vigueur. Le règlement adopte la norme mise à jour AS/NZS 1249 : 2014 Children's Nightwear and Limited Daywear Having Reduced Fire Hazard(Vêtements de nuit pour enfants et vêtements de jour limités présentant un risque d'incendie réduit) et abrogera le règlement précédent publié en 2008 sous le même titre(voir Récapitulatif de la réglementation : mars 2016).

Le nouveau règlement approuvé remplacera le règlement de 2008 à compter du 17 avril 2017. Il traite des questions d'inflammabilité et de sécurité liées aux vêtements de nuit pour enfants. Une période d'un an est prévue pour la transition entre le règlement 2008 et le règlement 2016. Par conséquent, une personne peut se conformer à la version 2003 ou 2014 de la norme AS/NZS 1249 pour les produits avant le 17 avril 2017.

Remarque : la Commission australienne de la concurrence et de la consommation (ACCC) n'a pas encore adopté la norme mise à jour. Les produits commercialisés en Australie doivent rester conformes à la norme AS/NZS 1249:2003 jusqu'à ce que l'ACCC publie une mise à jour.

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